Thursday, March 26, 2015

Miley Cyrus to Indiana Governor: You're an A-Hole!

Miley Cyrus has put Mike Pence on expletive-filled blast.

The 22-year old singer - long a staunch supporter of gay marriage and equal rights - took to Instagram today after the Indiana Governor passed a bill that allows businesses to discriminate against customers based on their sexual preference.

And she did not hold back.

You're an asshole @govpenceIN," Cyrus wrote. "The only place that has more idiots than Instagram is in politics...

"We need more strong heterosexual men fighting for equality in both men and women! Why are the macho afraid to love muchoooo?!?"

In July 2011, Miley got a tattoo in support of marriage equality; she later wrote an editorial for Glamour that explains her belief system.

And Miley isn't the only member of her family angry over the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Braison Cyrus shares his sister's feelings, and her choice words, writing himself on Instagram this afternoon:


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